KCOT has a dedicated group of tutors who all have one aim: to train the students to the best of their ability so that they, in turn, can apply their knowledge to the advantage of their respective communities and to the honor of God.
Rev Garrie Schutte

Rev Schutte has been involved with KCOT from the beginning as chairperson and founding member. He is a retired minister of the Reformed Churches of South Africa and has obtained his Theologia Baccalaurius degree through the NWU. Since 2018 he also started tutoring as it was his desire to become involved in spreading the Word both inside and outside the congregation he served. His dream is that KCOT will continue to train church leaders, especially in those congregations where there is a real need for proper training of the Word. It will help the leaders grow in faith and knowledge to the benefit of their congregations and also to the communities they are part of. He currently tutors the Higher Certificates in Gamalakhe, Port Shepstone and Scottburgh.
Rev Erasmus Juta

Rev Erasmus Juta has an Honors degree in Theology and has been a tutor with KCOT for eight years. His current involvement in his church is pastoral ministry/leadership. He is passionate about teaching theology and his greatest motivation comes from God’s given gift of pastor-teacher and team spirit with other tutors. His future dream is to see our graduates being involved in church ministry and further their studies. He is responsible for the following groups: Cedarville, Hibberdene and Port St Johns. He tutors mainly the Higher Certificates in Bible Teaching/Church Ministry but is also the only tutor for the isiZulu Focus Certificates.
Mr Siphiwe Mkhwanazi

Mr Mkhwanazi has obtained a Bachelor of Art in Theology with John Wycliff Theological College and have been a KCOT tutor for four years. He currently works as a counselor and a teacher at a rehabilitation center and is also a part-time pastor. His dream for the training has to do with the great commission in Matthew 28, but he also believes that the church is the center of the community. Which is why KCOT is so important at training the pastors in the community, so that when the community is flourishing our nation in turn will flourish, for the wellbeing of the Lord and the souls He has put under our care. He is the tutor for the English Focus group in Tongasi, Munster.
Mr Douwe Drijfhout

Mr Douwe Drijfhout has recently joined KCOT as fundraiser and backup tutor for the Port Shepstone group. He is a trained librarian and retired from the National Library of South Africa. With experience in fundraising and organizing workshops, he will assist with expanding KCOT as a sustainable initiative. He has a keen interest in theological literature and publishing.